Work with me.
If you are ready to move forward in your life or career, but are feeling stuck or frustrated and don't know how, consider hiring me as your coach.
I offer individual coaching, topic based seminars, and group coaching for individuals, teams, organizations and businesses.
Individual one on one coaching:
- Get clear on what you want to work on.
- Career Transitions
- Career Search Readiness
- Define your life purpose, vision and align them with your career.
- Set goals and develop achievable action plans.
- Discover what's been holding you back.
- Activate the process to achieve your vision.
- Leadership skills in life and career
- Energy Leadership Index Assessments & Debriefs
- and more...
Group or Team Coaching WorkShop topics:
- Individual or Team Purpose, mission and vision
- Leadership skills
- Growth Mindset
- Resiliency
- Managing Change
- Communication
- Identifying and removing roadblocks to success
- Action Plans
- Strategies for Successful Outcomes
- Setting Boundaries
- Outdoor Team Building events
- Energy Leadership Index Assessments & Debriefs
- more topics available based on your needs
See my Team Coaching Page for more info here
Don't wait any longer if you feel I could help you with any of these services.
Please fill out the form below and I will contact you directly.