What happens when you try something new? Maybe you have a new goal, and something needs to change in order to get there, but the challenge feels really uncomfortable. How do you get through it?

This past week, I was in a ski clinic, where I was asked to do something different with the way I make a turn by adjusting my stance in a way that didn’t feel right to me. It felt awkward and heck, I didn’t understand what was wrong with the way I had been doing things! Afterall, I’ve been skiing forever and teaching skiing for a while now, so I just wasn’t convinced, but I tried it anyway.

I worked on this new technique several times, but still they wanted more. I felt off balance, and didn’t have the control I was used to feeling, but I kept on trying, telling myself “hey, they are the experts afterall”.

I went home thinking about it, a bit perplexed, and noticed that I was sore the next day from using new muscles.

Fast forward a week to yesterday when I was out skiing again. I started off down the hill using my familiar and comfortable form, when I remembered to implement the new technique. I was so surprised that after just a couple of runs it almost felt normal and automatic. My muscles were getting more tired than usual, but somehow the new technique was working and now giving me more control and even confidence!

I’ve been thinking a lot about this experience, and how it can apply to anything in life where we have a goal or are working on something new, and how important it is that we always stay open to learning, especially if you are used to doing something a certain way and you are not getting the results that you want!

How many times have you started something new and quit too soon because it seemed too hard or unfamiliar? I know I have.

When making change, we often have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

The best thing about working through the discomfort of learning something new is noticing when things shift and the new becomes normal and comfortable. It’s so worth it!  

So, when thinking about change, think about what’s needed to accomplish the new goal, and what new muscles you might you need to flex? How can you walk through the discomfort when that new thing feels really awkward? Are you able to tap into resources for support to get the encouragement you need when you feel like going back to the old and safe way of doing things?

Until next time…keep on learning!
